US Customs Port Codes

US Customs Port Codes

US Customs Ports are the operational facilities used by the Department of Homeland Security to regulate goods being imported into or exported from the United States. Customs ports of entry are often located near airports, seaports, and land border crossings. Customs ports are created by the Deputy Assistant Secretary by authority from the Secretary of treasury. That office is given authority to establish, arrange, consolidate, and discontinue Customs ports of entry to fit the needs of the US Customs Service. The following is a list of Customs Ports of Entry and Service ports.

Facilities with the ability to transmit AMS (Automated Manifest System) information directly to US Customs must have a Customs assigned FIRMS code.

US Customs Port Codes

# Name ST Portcode
1. Charleston SC 1601
2. Scranton PA 1106
3. Ups Newark NJ 1069
4. Dhl Worldwide Express Seattle WA 3073
5. Los Angeles CA 2704
6. Oswego NY 0904
7. Millington OR 2903
8. Lake Charles LA 2017
9. Perth Amboy NJ 4602
10. Louisville KY 4115
11. Boca Grande FL 1807
12. St. Clair MI 3802
13. Miami FL 5201
14. Selby CA 2827
15. Tucson AZ 2609
16. Sarasota-Bradenton Airport FL 1883
17. Pittsburgh PA 1104
18. Moline IL 3908
19. Minneapolis-St. Paul MN 3501
20. Baltimore MD 1303
21. Manistee MI 3815
22. Virgin Atlantic Cargo Lax CA 2774
23. Sacramento CA 2816
24. Pembina ND 3401
25. Port Huron MI 3802
26. Cruz Bay VI 5102
27. Gretna LA 2002
28. Port Townsend WA 3008
29. San Ysidro CA 2504
30. Worcester MA 0403
31. Hopewell VA 1408
32. Baudette MN 3424
33. Calexico-East CA 2507
34. Tecate CA 2505
35. Westwego LA 2002
36. Juneau AK 3101
37. Peoria IL 3902
38. Air France (Mach Plus) 4774
39. Roberts Landing MI 3814
40. Sabine TX 2102
41. Charlotte Amalie VI 5101
42. Point Wells WA 3001
43. Federal Express Memphis TN 2095
44. Lebanon Municipal Airport NH 0181
45. Port Isabel TX 2301
46. Inner Harbor LA 2002
47. Ashland WI 3602
48. Rock Island IL 3908
49. Wichita KS 4504
50. Atlanta GA 1704

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