US Customs Port Codes

US Customs Port Codes

US Customs Ports are the operational facilities used by the Department of Homeland Security to regulate goods being imported into or exported from the United States. Customs ports of entry are often located near airports, seaports, and land border crossings. Customs ports are created by the Deputy Assistant Secretary by authority from the Secretary of treasury. That office is given authority to establish, arrange, consolidate, and discontinue Customs ports of entry to fit the needs of the US Customs Service. The following is a list of Customs Ports of Entry and Service ports.

Facilities with the ability to transmit AMS (Automated Manifest System) information directly to US Customs must have a Customs assigned FIRMS code.

US Customs Port Codes

# Name ST Portcode
1. Pal-Waukee User Fee Airport Wheelin 3983
2. West Palm Beach FL 5204
3. Cape Vincent NY 0706
4. Ponce PR 4908
5. Fabens TX 2404
6. Pensacola FL 1819
7. Lynden WA 3023
8. Astoria OR 2901
9. Portsmouth VA 1401
10. Sherwood ND 3414
11. Laurier WA 3016
12. Carrollton MI 3804
13. Dayton OH 4104
14. Skagway AK 3103
15. Southwest Florida Regional Airport 1881
16. Panama City FL 1818
17. Orange TX 2103
18. Millington OR 2903
19. Rogers City MI 3818
20. St. Petersburg FL 1814
21. Claymont DE 1103
22. Calumet Harbor IL 3801
23. Chateaugay NY 0711
24. Whitlash MT 3321
25. Gulfport MS 1902
26. Quincy MA 0401
27. Peoria IL 3902
28. Miami FL 5201
29. Whitetail MT 3312
30. Searsport ME 0152
31. Little Rock AR 2003
32. Ups Louisville KY 4196
33. Davenport IA 3908
34. Ashtabula OH 4108
35. Columbus NM 2406
36. Newport Bay CA 2709
37. Newark NJ 1003
38. Point Wells WA 3001
39. Air Cargo Handling Services Sfca 2871
40. Guayanilla PR 4912
41. Point Roberts WA 3017
42. St. Rose LA 2013
43. Hoquiam WA 3003
44. Greenville MS 2011
45. Salem MA 0408
46. Raymond MT 3301
47. Beaumont TX 2104
48. Baltimore MD 1303
49. Laredo TX 2304
50. Battle Creek MI 3805

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